Sunday, June 8, 2008

Mt. Hatu, may14th

Title: - Mt. Hatu, may14th
We had decided to leave the hotel at 7:00 in the morning. But, due to delay, we left the place at 7:30. We got to know by the locals, that there is a hillock called Hatu Peak very close to the hotel. We left for the place immediately. The road was extremely narrow while both of our cars were quite wide. Somehow, with a great deal of backseat driving, we finally managed to go until a point, where there was no road… then we trekked to the top.
We then continued our trip to Sarhan. We were hoping to see the famous and rare Monal bird. No such luck, still we saw a beautiful Paradise flycatcher. The hotel was quite rustic and old. We also had a good view of snow peaks and everyone was very excited about it.

Hatu Peak
My brave Papa
Chetan dada and Gauri Tai by satlaj river
breakfast with a view!

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